Privacy Policy

Basic information about Data Protection




The data we collect through all our services are used to provide, maintain, protect and improve these services, develop new services and ensure the protection of Social Wifi and our users We may also use this information to send you commercial or promotional information that may be of interest to you.

Perform administrative and accounting management.


You have the right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights, indicated in the additional information.


The interested one.

This Privacy Policy describes:

  • About us
  • What data we collect and the purposes for which we carry out its collection
  • How we use that data

We recommend that you read these privacy policies before accepting them.

Social Wifi S.L

Social Wifi SL, henceforth Social Wifi, with CIF B-66202680, address Camí del Sant Crist 2-4 Local 37, 08302-Mataró (Barcelona), is a limited liability company, creator of a service called SocialwiBox that allows users connect to the Internet for free. In order to ensure that the service works well and in order to offer the service for free, we collect certain information about you.

At Social Wifi we take your privacy very seriously and since its foundation we have incorporated all the necessary technical and organizational measures to comply with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016 of the European Parliament, and of the Council on the Protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data and Law 34 / 2002, of July 11, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) in order to protect your data.

We inform that our Delegate of Data Protection before the AEPD is: Josep Treviño, ALLIN SOLUTIONS FOR BUSINESS SL, C/ Abad Odó, 42, local 1, 08030, Barcelona,

What data are collected by Social Wifi?

Social Wifi offers a service that provides users with free Internet access. In order to allow the proper use of the service and offer the service to users for free, certain data about you is collected during the use of the service and these are also shared with third parties. Next, we explain what data we collect, for what purposes they are used and with whom we share this information.

The data that is provided to us depends on how you to connect to the service. You can connect using the profile of social networks, leaving your email address or through an APP synchronized with our system.

Connection with profiles in social networks: using the login in different social networks such as Facebook, Social Wifi will collect the general data of your social network profile. This information is usually specified by the social network platform before the start of the session, usually, and not in all cases, may be name, email and date of birth.

Connection with email: using this type of Social Wifi access will collect the email and depending on where the service is, additional information may be requested, such as: name, surname, date of birth or postal code.

Connection with APP: in this case, the data that Social Wifi will collect will be the data provided by the APP and, in general, it will be the electronic mail.

Device data

When the service is used, certain information is processed about the device that is connected and the browser it uses. Once it is connected, we record (i) the IP and MAC address of the device it uses to connect, (ii) the so-called user agent, such as the browser type / version and the phone type / version, and (iii) the type of browser and the operating system used.

What are cookies and how do we use them?

Cookies are files or files that are downloaded to the user's computer / smartphone / tablet when accessing certain web pages and applications that allow storing preferences of the User's browsing, making the interaction between the User and the platform faster and easier. easy.

The information collected by the cookies is anonymous and does not contain any sensitive information as these do not collect data that can personally identify the User. In any case, the User may access the configuration of their browser to modify and / or block the installation of Cookies sent from the platform.

Social Wifi uses technical and functional cookies, which are necessary to provide fast and easy access. We will also use these cookies to use Google services such as Google Analytics.

It is possible that connections through social networks use cookies to make or facilitate the identification process, these cookies will be subject to the policies of these social networks.

How Social Wifi uses the collected data. Purpose of the treatment

The data we collect through all our services are used to provide, maintain, protect and improve these services, develop new services and ensure the protection of Social Wifi and our users.

We may also use this data to send you commercial or promotional information that may be of your interest, satisfaction surveys or statistics of services provided by Social Wifi as well as our customers (the business you are visiting and gives you access) Red Garter Barcelona.

I also consent to the processing of my personal data in order to create or use personal profiles of them and may be used for the creation of commercial profiles.

We inform you that you can object at any time to have your data processed for the purpose of advertising and commercial prospection using the specific means that are recognized in the commercial communications.

What personal information do we share?

We will not share your personal data with companies, organizations or individuals outside of Social Wifi, except in any of the following cases:

  • External treatment
  • We will provide your personal data to our affiliates or to organizations and other trusted third parties so that they carry out their treatment on behalf of Social Wifi following our instructions, in accordance with our Privacy Policy and adopting whatever measures are appropriate to guarantee the confidentiality and security of said data.
  • Clients and partners
  • In order to continue offering the free Wi-Fi service, we will be able to share your data with our clients for direct marketing purposes, as well as companies from sectors such as: leisure, marketing, telecommunications, consumption, financial, automotive, energy and water.
  • We may also share your data with carefully selected partners such as TripAdvisor so they can send you requests for reviews and opinions about your visit.
  • At the request of our customers (the business you are visiting and provides access to) we can also transfer your data to MailChimp-type companies also for direct marketing purposes.
  • Legal grounds
  • We will share your personal data with companies, organizations or individuals outside of Social Wifi if we consider in good faith that there is a reasonable need to access said data or use, keep or disclose it for:
    • comply with any requirement provided in the applicable legislation or regulations or meet any requirement of an administrative or judicial body,
    • comply with the provisions of the current Terms of Service, including the investigation of possible infractions,
    • detect or prevent any fraud or technical or security incident or deal with them in another way,
    • protect the rights, property or security of Social Wifi, our users or the general public to the extent required or permitted by applicable legislation.

Data security

We strive to protect Social Wifi and our users against any modification, disclosure or unauthorized destruction of the data we keep or against unauthorized access to them. In particular:

  • We review our policy regarding the collection, storage and processing of data, including physical security measures, to prevent unauthorized access to our systems.
  • We limit the access of contractors, agents and employees of Social Wifi to the personal information they must process for Social Wifi and we ensure that they comply with the strict contractual confidentiality obligations and that they are subject to the relevant disciplinary conditions or dismissal. if they do not fulfill these obligations.


Our Privacy Policy applies to all services offered by Social Wifi and its affiliates, but excludes those services that are subject to independent privacy policies that do not incorporate this Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy does not apply to services provided by other companies or individuals. Our Privacy Policy does not regulate the data processing activities of other companies and organizations that advertise our services and may use cookies, account counters and other technologies to publish and offer relevant advertisements. When you use the Social Hotspot service you access third party services and websites. Social Wifi is not responsible for the services used or websites visited by third parties. Social Wifi is not responsible for the functionality of these services or the contents of the websites visited.

This privacy policy is aimed at people over 16 years old, personal data of children under this age should not be entered.

The data collected by Social wfi will be kept as long as the deletion of said data by the interested party is not requested.


At Social Wifi we verify compliance with our Privacy Policy on a regular basis. In case we receive a formal complaint in writing, we will contact the person who made it to follow up on it. We will work with the competent regulatory authorities, including the local data protection authorities, to resolve any claim related to the transfer of personal data that we have not been able to resolve directly with the user.

Legitimation for the processing of your data

We indicate the legal basis for the treatment of your data:

  • Consent of the interested party: REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016 of the European Parliament, and of the Council relative to the Protection of the physical persons with regard to the treatment of their personal data.
  • Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce; Law 56/2007 of December 28 on Measures to Promote the Information Society; Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users.

Data protection policy

In compliance with the Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, REGULATION (EU) 2016/679, of April 27, 2016 of the European Parliament, and of the Council on the Protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of their personal data we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion, limitation and portability, of the data stored in Social Wifi, at the following address:

Camí del Sant Crist 2-4 Local 37, 08302-Mataró (Barcelona) or Email:

We will process the requested information within 4 weeks, so we can first request proof of identity.


Our Privacy Policy may be modified at any time. We will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy without your express consent. We will publish all modifications to this Privacy Policy on this page and, if they are significant, we will make a more prominent notification (for example, we will send you a notification by email if the modification affects certain services).

Doubts ?

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, you can send an email to or call: 937 99 99 03